Inner Peace
Free Self-Counseling
Software for Inner Peace
Free Self-Help Software for Inner Peace
The entire BeyondCrisis program is on this one page. It runs online or offline. It doesn't get much easier than this.

BeyondCrisis is programmed to insure your confidentiality. See our privacy notice for more details.


Click on the button above to start the BeyondCrisis program.  










BeyondCrisis Step 1
Identifying the Issue?













BeyondCrisis Step 1, Continued
Identifying the Issue












BeyondCrisis Step 1, Continued
Identifying the Issue












BeyondCrisis Step 2
Your Willingness to Let Go of the Issue












BeyondCrisis Step 3
Your Ability to Let Go of the Issue












BeyondCrisis Step 4
Letting Go of the Issue












BeyondCrisis Step 4, Continued
Letting Go of the Issue












BeyondCrisis Step 5
Giving Yourself Credit












BeyondCrisis Step 6
Feeling Gratitude












State Creation Step 1
Identifying the State












State Creation Step 2
Your Willingness to Create the State













State Creation Step 3
Your Ability to Create the State













State Creation Step 4
Creating the State












State Creation Step 4, Continued
Creating The State













State Creation Step 5
Giving Yourself Credit












State Creation Step 6
Feeling Gratitude












Handle Another Issue













Try Another Subject

Find a subject that troubles you with negative feelings that you want to get past now.

Our BeyondSuffering series covers many subjects.


Is Anything In the Way?

You may have some inner chatter about letting go of the of the issue or creating the state. Our MonkeyMind program is helpful for discovering this chatter.

You can also check for a fear or a belief.

Most of these fears, beliefs, or whatever else is in the way can be handled with our Inner Peace process.

If nothing is in the way, you can complete the process.


Privacy Notice

You can say anything to the BeyondCrisis chatterbot and whatever you say is totally safe.

BeyondCrisis is written in client side JavaScript. That means none of your information is sent anywhere, not even to your disks.

Everything you enter gets erased when you close the program.

If you are concerned that somebody may look over your shoulder, you can even enter code words and, as long as you know what your entries mean, BeyondCrisis will still work.


Terms of Use

Inner Peace Software is Forever Free software.

There are no charges, no advertisements, and no solicitations. It is completely free.

Nonetheless, it is still subject to its terms of use.

Please choose:

Accept all terms, even the fine print, and continue.
Review terms of use document summary.

Inner Peace free self-help software could help with a LOT of the world's suffering if more people knew about it. Pass it on.

Inner Peace free self-help software is not a cure all, but it doesn't have to take all the straws off of the camel's back to make a difference, either.  




Update: All the email links on this site have been disabled. To reach us, use our contact page. Thank you.

Brand new self help process.

We have been instrumental in creating a brand new self help process for Lovers in Training. The process is called Healing the Me I See in You. It is still in beta, so watch it develop. Enjoy.

Software Designed with Your Privacy in Mind

Inner Peace software is BrowserBased. Nothing you enter is sent over the internet or recorded anywhere. Inner Peace writes no cookies on your computer. Nothing is written to or read from your computer files.

Once the program is loaded into your browser window, you can disconnect your computer from the Internet and all its features will still run. Once you close the program, everything you entered into the program is erased. Because this is an open source program, you can see the source code and verify all this for yourself. You can comfortably process your issues with Inner Peace self help software, knowing that your entries are confidential.

Getting Support with Inner Peace Software

For support with Inner Peace software, use the Inner Peace contact form.

Hosted by

InnerPeace.Org is a member organization of, the public's library, based at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, which provides our Internet hosting, archiving, and other support.

Version Info

Version 5.10.21
Revised October 21, 2005

Version numbers are a date code in the format For example, version 5.10.21 would be October 21, 2005.

Forever Free Software

Copyright © 1996-2009
InnerPeace.Org Copyright Holding Trust

Inner Peace is Forever Free Software and Open Source Software
Licenced under the GNU General Public License of the
Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Description: Inner Peace is free self-help software. Use Inner Peace. Share Inner Peace. Imagine the whole world in inner peace. Yes, inner peace is possible.

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