Inner Peace
Free Self-Counseling
Software for Inner Peace
Webmaster Anti-Spam Utility
Email Address HTML Code Scrambler
Are you getting too much junk email from your web site?

Provide your email addresses to legitimate visitors of your web site without ending up on more junk email lists.

Do it - fast and easy - with EScrambler.

The entire program and all the documentation is on this page.

It doesn't get much easier than this.


EScrambler Protects Your Web Site From Spam Crawlers

Your spam problem comes from spam crawler robots. They crawl your web site for only one purpose -- to add your email addresses their spam lists.

Make your email addresses invisible to spam crawlers with EScrambler.


EScrambler Hides Your Email Addresses in Plain Sight

With Escrambler, visitors to your web pages can read and click on your email addresses the same way they do now.

All the email addresses on this page were made were with EScrambler. Without looking at the source code you cannot tell any difference.

Human visitors to your site are NOT causing your spam problem.


EScrambler Is Search Engine Friendly

EScrambler does not stop search engine robots from indexing your site. It only hides your email addresses from robots.


EScrambler Works with 3 Styles of Email Links
  • A link from an email address itself, for example:

  • A link from some other text, for example:
    Email us.

  • A link from an image, for example:
    Email us.

EScramble Your HTML Code Right Now
  • Click the demo button above for the style of link you want.

  • Enter your values into the boxes below using a similar format to the demo.

  • Do not use any quotes, single (') or double ("), plus signs (+), equal signs (=), less than signs (<), or greater than signs (>). If you need any backshlash characters (\), put two together (\\) for every one you need. For forward slashes (/), just put in one (/) for every one you need. You may use coded symbols, such as &quot; for a quote sign.

  • You may use spaces in the text, but not in the email addresses. If you need spaces in the email address, use %20. Spaces within the url will automatically be converted to %20. Trailing spaces will be trimmed.

  • Copying and pasting are more accurate than typing.

  • Enter the email address where you want the email sent.
  • If you wish some other text to be the email link, enter that text.
  • If you wish an image to be the email link, enter the url for the image.
    You can use a relative url such as:
    Or you can use a full url such as:
  • Click this button.
  • Your EScrambled HTML code will appear here.

  • A description of what your EScrambled HTML code does will appear here.
  • WARNING: Make a backup copy of your HTML code before you edit it.

  • Delete the current email link from your HTML code begining with:
    <a href="mailto:
    and ending with:
    for example:
    <a href="">Email us.</a>
  • Copy and paste your new EScrambled code into your HTML code where your old email link used to be.

  • Save the file and upload it to your server.

Technical Details

EScrambler converts the HTML code for your email links into scrambled JavaScript code that robots cannot read.

EScrambler first breaks your HTML code into pieces and assigns each piece to a variable.

Here's what's included in each variable, using the second example from above:

a=<a href="mailto:
d=Email us.
The browser then puts the pieces back together with the command:
Putting that all together we get:
<a href="">Email us.</a>
For links from an email address or a graphic link, different coding is assigned to variable d but the same principles apply.

We made this program to be so simple that anyone who knows how to do cut and paste can use it. We are aware that professional webmasters can do this with even less code using the EScrambler concepts. Feel free to adapt it to your website.


How It Works

EScrambler is a BrowserBased Program written in JavaScript. All the processing is done on your browser. No cgi scripts and no server calls are used.

We do not collect your email addresses. We never even get them. If you don't believe that, work offline and you will see that EScrambler still works.

To see the EScrambler source code, select View Source from your menubar or your right click mouse menu.



The major limitation to EScrambler is that not all browsers support JavaScript. Fortunately, as of 2002, this means that about 1% of your visitors may not be able to see or click on your email address.

Do not be alarmed if you read articles warning you about users without JavaScript capilities in their browsers. Most of those articles were written in the last millenium. Most browsers made since 1995 can easily read code made with EScrambler, and your users will not know that your email code is scrambled.

If you do use other JavaScript on the same page as your EScrambled code, you will not be able to use any variable named "escramble" or any function named "escramble()". We expect you can live with that limitation.

The other limitation is that you may miss out on those emails offering to show you, for ONLY $79.95 plus shipping and handling, how to turn lead into gold.



We will try to be of assistance on this program but we are not professional programmers. We wrote this program because we needed it ourselves. Our main work is the Inner Peace self-counseling program. We freely offer it to you to use as you wish.

If you have any suggestions as to how we can improve this program, please let us know. We tried to write the code so that it could be understood by new programmers.

Like Inner Peace, this program is a BrowserBased program. You can bookmark it, select "make available offline," and run it anytime. Whenever you open it while you are online, your browser will automatically update you with the latest version.

For the code, you can either do a "view source" on this page or download our Webmaster ToolKit which contains this and other webmaster resources.  




Update: All the email links on this site have been disabled. To reach us, use our contact page. Thank you.

Brand new self help process.

We have been instrumental in creating a brand new self help process for Lovers in Training. The process is called Healing the Me I See in You. It is still in beta, so watch it develop. Enjoy.

Software Designed with Your Privacy in Mind

Inner Peace software is BrowserBased. Nothing you enter is sent over the internet or recorded anywhere. Inner Peace writes no cookies on your computer. Nothing is written to or read from your computer files.

Once the program is loaded into your browser window, you can disconnect your computer from the Internet and all its features will still run. Once you close the program, everything you entered into the program is erased. Because this is an open source program, you can see the source code and verify all this for yourself. You can comfortably process your issues with Inner Peace self help software, knowing that your entries are confidential.

Getting Support with Inner Peace Software

For support with Inner Peace software, use the Inner Peace contact form.

Hosted by

InnerPeace.Org is a member organization of, the public's library, based at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, which provides our Internet hosting, archiving, and other support.

Version Info

Version 5.10.21
Revised October 21, 2005

Version numbers are a date code in the format For example, version 5.10.21 would be October 21, 2005.

Forever Free Software

Copyright © 1996-2009
InnerPeace.Org Copyright Holding Trust

Inner Peace is Forever Free Software and Open Source Software
Licenced under the GNU General Public License of the
Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Description: Inner Peace is free self-help software. Use Inner Peace. Share Inner Peace. Imagine the whole world in inner peace. Yes, inner peace is possible.

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