Other Free To Use Self-Help Programs
We believe that Inner Peace is the most significant free self-help program on
the Internet. However, we do not feel that this is a competition. We encourage
others to create programs that surpass ours.
In English, the term free means both no charge as in "free lunch" as well as not
bound, as in "free speech." In software, the term creates some confusion as to
whether the term free refers to the price or the rights to the source code.
All the resources listed here are no charge. The licenses listed refer to the
If the license is "Free Software," the rights are also to the source code. If
the license is "Free Use" you can use the software, but the developer restricts
the source code.
We have a separate page with more info on
software rights.
Universal Clearing Process
(UCP) is an extremely simple and very powerful emotional-mental-spiritual
CLEARING process that can be done by almost anyone, with little training or
experience. UCP is so deceptively simple that people often dismiss it out of
hand because they incorrectly think something must be complex to be powerful and
effective. In fact, just the opposite is true.
Be forewarned that the author of UCP is a former scientologist and, like many
former scientologists, appears to have a love-hate relationship with
Scientology. The site has, on one hand, lots of charts and words used by
Scientology and, on the other hand, numerous rants about Scientology.
Nonetheless, the UCP process itself is NOT Scientology nor does it contain any,
and it clearly is not affiliated with Scientology.
UCP could be just right for people who have let go of all their issues and feel
that they need something beyond InnerPeace.
UCP is
to the extent that it runs in a browser but, because it is in more than one
file, it does require a download.
Do you need a break from Inner Peace? Perhaps something that just works, without
a lot of thinking? Try
Native Mind.
Attention Programmers: Native Mind is currently WebBased and could, without too
much difficulty, be made into a BrowserBased program. The author could use your
help if you can volunteer.
360 Degree Feedback
is, very simply, a process for asking the people you work with how well they
think you are doing in your job. To make this easy for them they complete a
short computerised questionnaire asking them to rate your performance on
behaviours typical of people performing well in your role. You then explore the
results of this feedback to determine your strengths and discover ways to become
even more effective.
FJ360 software received the top rating in an independent review by the leading
web software library ZDNet. To get 5 stars on ZDNet software must be,
"Outstanding in all respects. One of the best of its class".
is free, easy online web based goal setting software to help get you going
where you want to go.
Tell Us About Others
We want to provide information about all the other free (no charge) self-help
computer programs on the Internet. If you know of any others, please let us know
so we can link to them.
Create Your Own Programs Using Our Software
We make our source code freely available for you to edit and write your own
messages using our interactive dialogue self-help format. Why reinvent the
wheel? Spiritual leaders, healers, and educators wishing to use our free
software may contact us for assistance.
Links are not endorsements. Be aware that about half
of all web sites are below average.
Since Inner Peace is not primarily a site of links, some
rather popular sites have been omitted in favor of some
helpful resources that may be less well known.
If you have any problems with these links, please let us know. Your comments,
suggestions for additions to these links, and notification of bad links help
keep this page vital.
Your feedback helps us continue to improve Inner Peace and is greatly
Update: All the email links on this site have been disabled. To reach us, use our
contact page.
Thank you.
Brand new self help process.
We have been instrumental in creating a brand new self help process for
Lovers in Training.
The process is called
Healing the Me I See in You.
It is still in beta, so watch it develop. Enjoy.
Software Designed with Your Privacy in Mind
Inner Peace software is
BrowserBased. Nothing you enter is sent over the internet or recorded anywhere. Inner Peace writes no cookies on your computer. Nothing is written to or read from your computer files.
Once the program is loaded into your browser window, you can disconnect your computer from the Internet and all its features will still run. Once you close the program, everything you entered into the program is erased. Because this is an open source program, you can see the source code and verify all this for yourself. You can comfortably process your issues with Inner Peace self help software, knowing that your entries are confidential.
Getting Support with Inner Peace Software
For support with Inner Peace software, use the Inner Peace
contact form.
Hosted by ibiblio.org
InnerPeace.Org is a member organization of
ibiblio.org, the public's library, based at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, which provides our Internet hosting, archiving, and other support.
Version Info
Version 5.10.21
Revised October 21, 2005
Version numbers are a date code in the format y.mm.dd. For example, version 5.10.21 would be October 21, 2005.
Forever Free Software
Copyright © 1996-2009
InnerPeace.Org Copyright Holding Trust
Inner Peace is
Forever Free Software and Open Source Software
Licenced under the
GNU General Public License of the
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Description: Inner Peace is free self-help software. Use Inner Peace. Share Inner Peace. Imagine the whole world in inner peace. Yes, inner peace is possible.
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