Inner Peace
Free Self-Counseling
Software for Inner Peace
Form InnerPeace Groups
As InnerPeace is just coming out of its beta development stage, the list of support groups is not yet compiled.

Most likely, for a support group near you, your best bet will be to form one.

Form general support groups for any user of InnerPeace or form support groups for users with a specific special interest, such as weight loss, substance abuse, job search, relationships, parenting, singles, health, wealth, faith, service, world peace, etc.

InnerPeace support groups are open to persons of all faiths, including those of little or no faith.


Schedule Regular Weekly Meetings

Schedule your support group to meet every week at the same time and place. Publicize your group meetings every week where similar such listings are found, ideally with free public service announcements.

Be patient while your group grows.

You could also consider starting a monthly group, such as on the second Tuesday of the month. Weekly meetings are preferred, but a monthly meeting is better than none.


Support Group Meeting Format

For your support group meetings, choose a volunteer that you know runs the process well to run an issue in front of the group. (At first, this may be you. That's fine.)

Have printed copies of the crib notes available for people to follow along. Laid out with two columns and Arial narrow 12 point font, it fits on two sides of an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper.

Answer questions afterwards. If you do not know the answers, say so, contact your mentor, and bring back the answer the following week.

If you have time, help some people zero in on their issues and send them home to run them. Follow up on how they did at the next meeting.

End in about ninety minutes.

With a regular group of people, such as a workplace group, you could condense your meetings to fit into a one-hour lunch meeting. Having shorter meetings would be a far better choice than not having InnerPeace at your workplace.

If you are meeting in a place where prayer is acceptable, end with a short prayer, ideally one that cuts across many faiths. Psalm 23 fits this role very nicely and is quite relevant to the InnerPeace Process. The King James Version of this Psalm is especially poetic and inspiring and quite well known.

Before starting the prayer, make an announcement so that those who wish to step outside and not be part of the prayer may do so.

Have healthy water available to drink. For most people, coffee and sugar are not supportive of true inner peace.


Finding Locations

Find locations that you can count on every week.

Churches are good places to look. Find churches that are public service oriented.

Check with leaders of other support groups, such as twelve-step groups, as to which churches in your area make space available to support groups.

If you can have a second meeting in the same week, try to find a different church in a nearby, but slightly different, area. Ideally, it would also be of a different denomination.

You could also start in people's houses and let the groups grow before you move to a more public location. Try not to move the location too often so word gets out about how people can find you.


Help Out Your Host Churches

Churches often have volunteer days to work on their property. Get members of your groups to pitch in and help the churches where you meet on such projects.

Be sure to set a good example and help, too.


Donation Policy

InnerPeace is priceless.

Support groups provide InnerPeace support at no charge.

Donations are accepted, but not requested. We do not even "pass the hat."

Make it clear that there is no pressure to donate. If any enthusiastic supporters wish to fundraise, please advise them that we do not fundraise, directly or indirectly.


Accepting Donations

To keep donations private, you can have empty envelopes available on a table. Banks have all you need of these for free at ATM machines. Please reuse and recycle them when you can.

Have a small box, such as an "overnight mail" package, with a slot cut for dropping in the envelopes. Keep the box in your sight or have a reliable volunteer tend it so that it doesn't "disappear."

If someone asks, the suggested donation is the amount that FEELS right to the user.

Donations based upon what was received from InnerPeace are not encouraged. This is just another way of putting a price on InnerPeace, which cannot be done.

Instead, donations are encouraged to be based upon the users' desire to support, spread, and grow the InnerPeace work.

Users with financial difficulties are strongly encouraged to work on their scarcity related issues.


Tell Us About Your Meetings

Please send us an email to:
to let us know that you have formed a support group and we will list it on our web site as the program develops. Please include your first name, email address, city, state, and country.

Mutual support supports everybody.  




Update: All the email links on this site have been disabled. To reach us, use our contact page. Thank you.

Brand new self help process.

We have been instrumental in creating a brand new self help process for Lovers in Training. The process is called Healing the Me I See in You. It is still in beta, so watch it develop. Enjoy.

Software Designed with Your Privacy in Mind

Inner Peace software is BrowserBased. Nothing you enter is sent over the internet or recorded anywhere. Inner Peace writes no cookies on your computer. Nothing is written to or read from your computer files.

Once the program is loaded into your browser window, you can disconnect your computer from the Internet and all its features will still run. Once you close the program, everything you entered into the program is erased. Because this is an open source program, you can see the source code and verify all this for yourself. You can comfortably process your issues with Inner Peace self help software, knowing that your entries are confidential.

Getting Support with Inner Peace Software

For support with Inner Peace software, use the Inner Peace contact form.

Hosted by

InnerPeace.Org is a member organization of, the public's library, based at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, which provides our Internet hosting, archiving, and other support.

Version Info

Version 5.10.21
Revised October 21, 2005

Version numbers are a date code in the format For example, version 5.10.21 would be October 21, 2005.

Forever Free Software

Copyright © 1996-2009
InnerPeace.Org Copyright Holding Trust

Inner Peace is Forever Free Software and Open Source Software
Licenced under the GNU General Public License of the
Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Description: Inner Peace is free self-help software. Use Inner Peace. Share Inner Peace. Imagine the whole world in inner peace. Yes, inner peace is possible.

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